Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, M.D. Baba Saheb, as Chairman of the Constituent Assembly’s Drafting Committee, was the Principal Architect of the Indian Constitution. He was a scholar par excellence, a jurist, an idealist, an emancipator, and a true nationalist.
(भीमराव रामजी आम्बेडकर, डॉ॰ बाबासाहब आम्बेडकर नाम से लोकप्रिय, भारतीय बहुज्ञ बुद्धिजीवी, विधिवेत्ता, अर्थशास्त्री, राजनीतिज्ञ, और समाजसुधारक थे। अंबेडकर भारत में दलित अधिकार और सामाजिक समता के लिए लड़ने वालों में एक अग्रणी नेता थे।)

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar History

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was born in Mhow of Madhya Pradesh. His father was Ramji Makoji Sakpal, who was an army officer in the British Indian army. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was the fourteenth son of his father. Bhimabai Sakpal was his mother. His family was of Marathi background from the town of Ambawade. Dr. B. R.Ambedtkar was born as a Dalit and he was treated as an untouchable. He was subjected to regular social and economic discrimination. Although Ambedkar attended school, he and other Dalit students were treated as untouchables.

Born: 14 April 1891, Dr. Ambedkar Nagar
Died: 6 December 1956, New Delhi

He was the leader of various social movements aimed at securing and protecting human rights for the underprivileged and destitute sections of society. He was born in 1891 into a poor, untouchable Mhow household.
However, he was the first Indian to receive a doctorate (Ph.D.) in economics from a foreign university, and he is the only Indian to have a statue at the London Museum alongside Karl Marx.

100 year of Mooknayak, Ambedkar’s 1st newspaper
He was a staunch supporter of democratic, peaceful, nonviolent, and harmonic solutions to all problems.
His example strengthens the attitude of brotherhood, compassion, and equality.
Every year on April 14, Mahaparinirvan Din, or Ambedkar Jayanti, is commemorated to commemorate his death.

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar: “Architect of the Indian  Constitution”

Life Events of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar and Their Contribution

Ambedkar was an outspoken opponent of caste-based discrimination and social untouchability, and he encouraged Dalits to organize and demand their rights. He denounced Hindu scriptures that he believed promoted caste prejudice.
In 1925, he was a member of the Bombay Presidency Committee, which collaborated with the Simon Commission. He founded the ‘Bahishkrit Hitakarini Sabha’ to promote Dalit education and socioeconomic advancement. He founded publications such as Mooknayak and Bahishkrit Bharat.
He advocated separate electorates for the “depressed classes,’ the term by which Dalits were called at that time. He was in disagreement with Mahatma Gandhi since Gandhi was against any sort of reservation in the electorate. Later, An agreement was signed between Gandhi and Ambedkar in the jail, whereby it was agreed to give reserved seats to the depressed classes within the general electorate. This was called the Poona Pact.
In 1936, Ambedkar created the Independent Labour Party (which eventually became the Scheduled Castes Federation).
He argued for a free economy based on a stable rupee. He also suggested that birth control could help with economic development. He also stressed women’s equality. The Right to Constitutional Remedy, according to Ambedkar, is the Constitution’s essence. Dr. Ambedkar battled hard for the passage of the Hindu Code Bill, the most significant reform for women’s rights in marriage and inheritance during his time as Law Minister.

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Thoughts Current Relevance

He aspired to live in an equitable society and was opposed to caste prejudice and violence. This idea has a lot of importance in today’s culture since the government is implementing many programs to help the poor. He was a staunch opponent of untouchability and fought for equal opportunity. To this end, fundamental rights have been included in the Indian Constitution (14–16).
His ideas prepared the way for a socialist democracy and argued for a change in the social order.


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