As per the UN Charter, a non-self-governing territory is defined as a territory “whose people have not yet attained a full measure of self-government.”

In 1946, some major UN Member States identified a number of territories under their administration that were not self-governing, and these territories were placed on a UN list. Countries that administer the territories are called administering powers.

Eight UN Member States, namely, Belgium, Australia, France, Denmark, New Zealand, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States, listed 72 non-self-governing territories under their administration in 1946. However, due to the process of decolonization over the years, most of the Territories were removed from the list. At present, there remain 17 Non-Self-Governing Territories as shown in the image below.

Non-Self Governing Territories

Key Provisions of the UN Charter on Non-Self-Governing Territories

Chapter XI of the UN Charter provides for the Declaration regarding Non-Self-Governing territory. It says that the Member States administering non-self-government territories shall recognize that the interests of the inhabitants of these Territories are paramount and accept as a “sacred trust” and have the obligation to promote their well-being.

Chapter IX requested the administering Powers concerned to take effective measures:

  • to safeguard and guarantee the inalienable rights of these people to their natural resources, including land,
  • to establish and maintain control over the future development of those resources,
  • to take all necessary steps to protect the property rights of the peoples of those Territories,
  • to ensure the political, economic, social, and educational advancement of the people,
  • undertake to assist them in developing self-government and democratic political institutions, and
  • report regularly to the Secretary-General about the information on the economic, social, and educational conditions in the Territories under their administration

Chapter X requested all States, directly and indirectly through their action in the specialized agencies of the United Nations system, to provide moral and material assistance to the peoples of the non-self-Governing territory.

To The Point-

1. Who to identify Non-Self-Governing territory
These territories are identified by member states of the UN. Eight UN Member States, namely, Belgium, Australia, France, Denmark, New Zealand, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States, listed 72 non-self-governing territories under their administration in 1946. But today many territories were decolonized, and only 17 territories remain a non-self-governing territory.

2. What is Decolonization
It is an act of withdrawing the dominion of a state from a territory. For example, India attained independence with the withdrawal of British colonial power.

3. administering Powers of Non-Self-Governing territory
The countries that administer the Non-Self-Governing territory are called administering Powers.


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